Benefits of Whole Wheat Bread Made With Ancient Grains
Benefits of whole wheat bread made with ancient grains is very good for the diet and help your organs health. According to scientists, eating bread made with ancient grains (not the modern varieties) as part of a healthy diet can help lower cholesterol and blood glucose. Scientists are also explain in this study did not prove the ancient grains can prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD), but it adds to evidence that the benefits of whole wheat bread may help reduce risk factors for CVD.
Over the past few years, the cultivation of these varieties have been soaring. However, if the effects of cardiovascular disease risk still unknown if consumed ancient grains that cultivated through organic or conventional methods. It also lowers the major risk factors of heart attack and stroke. The research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.
Benefits of Whole Wheat Bread
Compared to modern wheat varieties more often seemed very subtle, ancient grains offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory profile. These seeds contain beneficial vitamins such as vitamin B and E, minerals magnesium, iron, potassium, which protects the body against chronic diseases.
In a randomized trial involving 45 healthy adults, average age 50. They were asked to replace the usual bread with bread of ancient grains and modern during three separate periods, each period lasted for 8 weeks. In the first phase, 22 participants were randomly assign to consume bread from organic wheat. And 23 participants taking bread of ancient grains of Verna cultivated conventionally.
Eight weeks later, all participants fed bread made from modern grains of Blasco. The end of the session, the participants assigned to consume bread made of two different ancient varieties, Gentil Rosso and Autonomia B. Scientists took blood samples at the beginning and end of each period to test the lipid, cholesterol, glucose, and other cardiovascular signs.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and harmful cholesterol, blood glucose levels, were significantly reduce after 2 months of consuming bread made with ancient grains. This is regardless of the cultivation of wheat grown organically or traditional. In contrast, no significant difference seen on the steps of cardiovascular disease after eating bread made with modern grains. In addition, a substantial increase seen in circulating Endothelial progenitor cells that repair damaged blood vessels. This increase recorded after eating bread made with ancient grains of Verna.
Scientists are starting to see the most potential confounders, such as population characteristics or past medical history. But changes in diet or lifestyle can still influence the outcome. These experiments have shown the benefits of whole wheat bread made with ancient grains can help reduce some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, regardless of how the crop is cultivated. Due to the limited number of participants, more research needed to determine the further conclusion about the benefits of whole wheat bread made with ancient grains for heart health.
The reference is published in the journal "Cardiovascular benefits from ancient grain bread consumption: findings from a double-blinded randomized crossover intervention trial". International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2016; 1 DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2016.1216528
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) near Auvers-sur-Oise France, image by Wikimedia Commons.
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