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How to Get Rid of Bad Garlic Breath Fast? Eat Your Apples

You must very troubled by bad garlic breath, how to get rid of bad garlic breath? Many people do not like garlic, but most of the people in Asia actually liked the taste cuisine mixed with garlic. Traditional cuisine in Southeast Asia always use the aroma of spices and garlic. But after eating the delicious food, the smell of garlic are often inherent in the mouth and cause odor.

How to Get Rid of Bad Garlic Breath Fast

Now, scientists have found the best solution to get rid of bad garlic breath. The benefits of apples to eliminate the smell of garlic in the mouth as well as high-fiber foods. A study published in the Journal of Food Science explains that eating a raw apple or lettuce can help you to reduce the smell of garlic in the mouth.

How to Get Rid of Bad Garlic Breath

Scientists from Ohio State University provides three grams of garlic to each participant. Afterwards they were asked to chew for 25 seconds and then drink the water. Then the participants were asked to eat an apple or raw lettuce, apple juice and lettuce, lettuce and apples are heated, mint leaves raw or juice, and green tea. In terms of cases of bad garlic breath caused by garlic volatiles including Diallyl disulfide, Allyl Mercaptan, Allyl Methyl Disulfides, and Allyl Methyl Sulfide. Analysis of the level of volatiles in the breath using mass spectrometry tube, so that a more accurate value. How to get rid of bad garlic breath? The study explains:
  1. Apples and raw lettuce will decrease the concentration of volatiles in the breath by 50 percent or more compared with the first 30 minutes.
  2. Mint leaves have high levels of bad garlic breath that is higher than the apples and raw lettuce for all measurements of volatile compounds.
  3. Apple juice and mint juice can reduce the level of volatile, but not as much as chewing a raw apple or mint.
  4. If apples and lettuce cooked or reheated, which significantly lowers volatility.
  5. Green tea is also able to eliminate the smell of garlic in the mouth.

Conclusion scientists, how to get rid of bad garlic breath can be fast through two mechanisms. The first mechanism uses enzymes in raw foods that help to destroy odors. The next mechanism, the phenolic compounds in raw foods will destroy the volatile substances. This is why apples and raw lettuce is generally more effective to remove the smell of garlic in the mouth, because it contains enzymes and phenolic compounds.

So, you do not need to worry about the food materials using garlic with a distinctive aroma and pungent. Your confidence will reappear after eating a fresh apple or chew raw lettuce thereafter.

  • Reference of this study published in the journal "Deodorization of Garlic Breath by Foods, and the Role of Polyphenol Oxidase and Phenolic Compounds". Journal of Food Science, 2016; DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.13439
  • Study Finds Apple and Lettuce Can Remedy Garlic Breath, 22 September 2016, by Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). 
  • Not all apples are alike, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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