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Duckweeds And Wolffia Globosa, Potential Nutritious Foods

A potential future nutritious food is Wolffia globosa, a small plant known as Duckweeds without roots, or Asian called the eyes catfish. According to scientists, similar plants of Duckweeds proved to have a high nutritional content which required of the human body. Researchers at the University of Jena have investigated Duckweedss benefits as a source of human food. These findings are very promising, where they published a study in the journal Food Chemistry.

Duckweeds, Wolffia Globosa

Wolffia globosa measuring 0.7 to 1.5 mm, oval and uncertain, these plants multiply very rapidly in a short time and can cover the entire surface of the water. Duckweeds is easy to absorb elements dissolved in water, can used to relieve symptoms of deficiency due to malnutrition. While in Asia, other potential applications for Duckweeds plants with fish farming and water purification. And this plant can also be use to produce bio-ethanol.

Duckweeds And Wolffia Globosa

Prof Gerhard Jahreis said, Duckweeds can serve as a source of protein to meet human nutritional needs. Duckweedss green physical form and its protein content is comparable with Lupin flowers or peas. The protein content of 30 percent, calculated based on the dry weight. These small plants also contain omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial, including Stearidonic acid and Alpha-linolenic acid.

According to the scientist, the possibility of food consumption based Duckweedss will smoothed or dried so that a gluten-free foods. Dr. Kalus says, Duckweeds growing very fast and does not require the land to cultivate. This plant will make huge profits compared to soybean.

For thousands of years, Duckweeds species have become menu in Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Especially species Wolffia globosa, which served in Asia in the form of soup and a vegetable or omelets.

In a series of recent tests, Species Wolffia globosa is consider as one of the most promising candidate plants. Duckweeds plant species cultivated until now, generally harvested from ponds or swamps. Currently there are several experimental facilities in Israel and the Netherlands, where Duckweeds produced on an industrial scale.


  • Tiny plants with huge potential, 11 January 2017, by Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
  • Nutritional value of Duckweedss (Lemnaceae) as human food. Food Chemistry, 2017; 217: 266 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.08.116

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