Acalypha Indica Medicinal Uses To Cure Skin In Asia
These plants often seen around us, as the weeds that grow in the yard. But for hundreds of years, people in Indonesia have long consumed, Acalypha Indica medicinal uses to cure skin. In English called Indian Acalypha, Indian Nettle, Three-Seeded Mercury. The French call it Ricinelle des Indes, Oreille de chatte, Herbe chatte.
Currently, Acalypha Indica L. considered as weeds or wild plants very commonly found on roadsides, lawns, as well as on the slopes. These plants are herbs, plants grow upright with a height of approximately 30 to 50 cm. This plant branching with elongated lines rough, smooth-haired, form a single and long-stemmed leaves. Feature strands of green leaves are oval to lancet, thin, tapered tip and base. Marked with a serrated edge, leaf length between 2.5 to 8 cm and a width of 1.5 to 3.5 cm.
Acalypha Indica Medicinal Uses To Cure Skin
While the characteristics of flowering out of the armpit leaves are small and stringing the form of grain. The fruit is a box-shape, round, and black. Seeds looked round, long and brown. These plants have a taproot and dirty white. Its taste is bitter and cool function as an astringent.
Acalypha Indica medicinal uses to treatment of ulcers, sores, eczema, dermatitis, wound bleeding, and snake bites. Here is how to make herbal of Acalypha Indica:
- Drinking boiled water as much as 9-15 grams of dried herbs, or it could be 30-60 g of fresh herbs. Dosing water for 3 cups a day, taken three times daily.
- Air stew can also be to wash the wound. The best way is to boil one Acalypha Indica and roots with clean water.
- Make a paste for topical medication skin wounds, by grinding fresh herbs until smooth, and then rubbed into the skin disease.
- Another way to treat sores, boils, skin inflammation, bleeding wounds and snake bites. Wash the fresh plant with roots. Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar and grind until smooth. Then rub the herb to the skin.
- Another way to get the benefits of Acalypha Indica for dermatitis, eczema and ulceration, by boiling the fresh plant with roots. Wash off this plant, then boiled in 3 cups of water to boil for 15 minutes. Use warm water to wash your skin sore.
People in West Africa consume the leaves as a vegetable, also given to the feed. Acalypha Indica medicinal considered important in the traditional Tamil Siddha medicine, it believed to be able to rejuvenate the body. This plant grows and develops in the wild, the plant seeds usually carried by cats. Benefits Acalypha Indica very reacted positively to the cats and dogs, herbal healer for pets. The animals consumed by chewing, especially at the roots.
Herbs Of Medicine - The First 3 D Book on Herbs, by Dr.J.Raamachandran
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