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Phyllanthus Urinaria Tea Extract, Home Remedies Skin And Organs

This is how to make Phyllanthus Urinaria tea extract for skin and organs disease. These used for herbal ingredients, roots, stems and leaves, and usually dried before use. Phyllanthus Urinaria is usually a bitter, slightly acid and cool stew caused by filantin content, hipofilantin, and potassium salt.

Phyllanthus Urinaria Tea Extract

Phyllanthus Urinaria is a species of herb from the family Phyllanthaceae, it have two species are red and green in genus Mimosa and belong to the family Euphorbiaceae. Phyllanthus Aurinaria characterized by a red stem, the flower head will break transversely. Phyllanthus Niruri, green stem, the flower head will break longitudinally.

Phyllanthus Urinaria Tea Extract

According to Sri Yuliani and Hernani from Balitro (Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute), DEPKES-RI 1985:
Phyllanthus Urinaria tea extract benefits to treat menstruation, as cough medicine, deuretic and appetite enhancer. This plant contains alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, and other medicinal compounds. 
Other researchers also mentioned that Phyllanthus Urinaria benefits contains compounds filantin, hipfilantin, potassium, and tannins. Here is a simple herb to cure some diseases:
  1. Treatment of purulent wounds, acne or inflammation of the skin. The festering wound usually accompanied by symptoms of fever and heat, the skin around the wound swells and will release pus. Take half a handful of Phyllanthus Urinaria leaves and make a paste. After that, mixed with salt water as much as one tablespoon. Place this paste on a festering wound or pimple. This paste is use twice a day, and can use for other skin diseases such as ulceration.
  2. Treatment for dieuretics and gout. Take Phyllanthus Urinaria leaves of 4 to 5 branches, then add the Java Tea (Orthosiphon Grandiflora) leaves with the same dose. Put both of them into water as much as 220 ml, and boil until the water becomes 110ml. Drink your tea 2 times a day.
  3. Treatment of stomach ulcers by boiling the leaves Phyllanthus Urinaria as much as three quarters handfull. Combine the leaves into three glasses of water, boil until water becomes three quarters. Strain this tea, and mix it with pure honey. The dose for a tea is three quarters of a glass, do it three times a day.
  4. For malaria treatment, take half a handful of Phyllanthus Urinaria leaves and put into 3 cups water, boil water into one half glass. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day.
  5. Phyllanthus Urinaria tea extract to treat gonorrhea. Take three quarters of the Phyllanthus Urinaria leaf, put in four glasses of water. Boil water up to three quarters of a glass. Strain your tea and add a little sugar before drinking three times a day.

In China, this plant is known as Zhen Zhu Cao. Phyllanthus Urinaria tea extract used to cure kidney inflammation, urinary tract infections, menstruation, to cure dysentery, children's appetite enhancer, cough medicine, and mouth ulcers. Tanin compound is very influential as an anti diarrhea, Potassium is diuretic and destroys kidney stones.


  • Sri Yuliani and Hernani, Balitro (Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute), DEPKES-RI 1985.
  • Phyllanthus niruri, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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