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How To Eat Avocado For Weight Loss With Asian Diet Recipes?

Avocado commonly known to Asians and Central Americans, this plant grows our garden and cultivated. Avocado in Latin is Persea Americana, a member of the Lauraceae family, is one of the trees that comes from Central Mexico. Traditionally, Asian ancestors had consumed avocados as well as other fruits. How to eat avocado for weight loss with Asian diet recipes? They consume avocados for the diet, making avocado juice based on traditional recipes.

How To Eat Avocado For Weight Loss

The grow of this plant in Indonesia is very much, even Indonesia is the world's fifth largest avocado producer in the world. During this time, avocado fruit has been cultivate throughout the world. This plant thrives in tropical climates, most grown in Indonesia and Central America. Characteristic of avocado fruit seen on the skin is green and shaped like a pear, there is also egg-shaped and round. Avocado fruit will generally ripen after harvest, and then will be dark brown.

How To Eat Avocado For Weight Loss

Its how to eat avocado for weight loss by Asian. Before juice known, Indonesian ate avocado fruit without any other ingredients, this happened in Sumatra until now. Avocado benefits seen in their healthy bodies and almost no chronic diseases such as cancer. And actually this a way of utilizing the avocado for diet has done our parents. Served as a small slice as a regular meal without sugar.

The following nutritional content in the avocado:
  1. According to USDA nutritional data, every 100 grams of avocado fruit is rich in vitamin B and vitamin K, containing vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium.
  2. Avocado fruit also contains phytosterols and carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin.
  3. About 67 percent of avocado energy comes from monounsaturated fatty fats as oleic acid. Other dominant fats are palmitic acid and linoleic acid.
  4. The content of saturated fat is about 14 percent in the form of palmitic acid, and 6 percent palmitoleic.

Currently, avocado benefits have been use for a variety of food mixtures, cosmetic products and soaps. Processing and making avocado juice for the diet does not have good effect for everyone. There are some people who have an allergic reaction to avocado fruit (latex-fruit syndrome). The symptoms experienced are abdominal pain and vomiting, general urticaria, sometimes these symptoms can be life-threatening.

According to one study, people who ate avocados had better health quality. The research results are:
  1. Affects the nutritional level and decreases the risk of metabolic syndrome. Diet for seven days by eating avocado can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  2. Decrease in serum cholesterol level by 17 percent in patients with mild hypercholesterolemia. Experienced a 22 percent decrease in LDL and triglyceride levels, and elevated HDL levels by 11 percent.
  3. Research on obese patients with moderate fat diet, consumption of 136 grams of avocado per day for 5 weeks will reduce LDL levels. This is due to the combination of monounsaturated fat, dietary fiber and phytosterol, beta-sitosterol, contained in the avocado.

Then, how to eat avocado for weight loss, for a healthy diet to get the benefits as above? Generally people consume avocado fruit juice mixed with sweeteners, such as sugar and milk. Though these two ingredients can increase levels of bad cholesterol and cause obesity. Unlike our parents do, they eat avocados in the form of slices without a mixture of other ingredients.

For better results, eating avocados for the diet does not add sugar and milk, and other blends. Should avoid mixing with other fruits or vegetables, although seem more natural. Because the content of each fruit and vegetable is different, and chemical reactions in the mixture have different effects.

If you want to have a healthy body like our parents before, smooth and sleek, avoid the mixture of sweetener into the juice. Practically peel the skin and then cut the avocado fruit into small slices.


  • Avocado consumption associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake, and lower metabolic syndrome risk in US adults: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001–2008. Publish by Nutrition Journal DOI:10.1186/1475-2891-12-1
  • Monounsaturated fatty acid (avocado) rich diet for mild hypercholesterolemia. Publish by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health.
  • Ramuan Tradisional 12 Etnis Indonesia, by S.Hidayat 2005.
  • Sliced Avocado, image courtesy of wikimedia commons.

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