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Health Benefits of Blueberry Juices or Wine Minus The Alcohol

The health benefits of blueberry juice, blackberries and fruit like juices or raw, are consider as medicines and nutritious foods. Food scientists from the University of Illinois have found a fermented fruit that can increase the potential antidiabetic. According to them, the development of alcohol-free beverage made from blueberry and blackberry can help reduce type 2 diabetes. All this time diabetes sufferers must stay away from the fermentation of wine and alcoholic beverages.

Health Benefits of Blueberry, Blueberries

Blueberry is a perennial flowering plant with indigo-colored fruit, including Cyanococcus part in the genus Vaccinium. This genus includes Cranberry, Bilberry and Grouseberries. Its part of Cyanococcus, the fruit sold and known generally from North America, then commercially introduced to Europe in the 1930s.

Health Benefits of Blueberry Dealcoholized

According to Elvira de Mejia, at least 100 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes and increasing. This does not include those who may have pre-diabetes. In previous research, the diet by eating blueberries may be important for reducing hyperglycaemia tested in obese mice. Scientists want to determine whether the fermentation, blueberry and blackberry dealcoholized beverages will increase the potential of the phenolic compounds contained in fruits to reduce diabetes.

The study explains that the fermented beverage of the berries will reduce the development of obesity and blood glucose in mice with high-fat diet. When the fermentation Berry at low temperatures, resulting in increased and higher concentrations of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins pigments found in fruits such as blueberries, grapes and apples, has shown to improve insulin sensitivity. This substance can lower blood glucose levels and increases insulin secretion.

In addition to fruits, including vegetables, cereals, and beans, after fermentation results can improve and increase the concentration of anthocyanin pigments. This substance is an antioxidant components are very high and very beneficial to the body. In the study the health benefits of blueberry juice and blackberry free of alcohol, has shown good results for the inhibition of enzymes related to glucose uptake.

This study examined the fermented beverage blackberry with a ratio of 70 percent, and 30 percent of fermented blueberry. Alcohol has eliminated in these beverages through Rotoevaporation and replaced with water. This process also removes some of the sugar left after fermentation. The health benefits of blueberry juice and blackberries wine are consider very unique, has a very specific profile anthocyanins which can reduce the absorption of glucose.

The antioxidant power of anthocyanins plays a very important role for maintaining a healthy body. Especially to lower the inflammation, decrease the fat that causes inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress. Expected wine company also produces wine minus the alcohol (Dealcoholized) for diabetics. This drink is a combination of blackberries and blueberries, contain concentrations of anthocyanins as part of the pigment.

The health benefits of blueberry juice or wine is not to replace the drugs diabetics, but it can help reduce the need for drugs that should obtain supervision and approval of a physician. Anthocyanins worked as a drug, scientists assumed that all diabetes drugs have adverse effects after many years, are no exception the safest drug. Diet, exercise, lose weight, this strategy is recommended and may be valid in the long term.

  • The study published by University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), 04 Agustus 2016, "Berry wine, minus the alcohol, may offer help for those with diabetes".
  • Alcohol-free fermented blueberry–blackberry beverage phenolic extract attenuates diet-induced obesity and blood glucose in C57BL/6J mice. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2016; 31: 45 DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.12.013
  • Patts Blueberries, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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