Healthiest Microgreens 'Red Cabbage' to Lower High Cholesterol
Red Cabbage, healthiest Microgreens has become one of the plants to lower high cholesterol, as well as a luxury dish in a fancy restaurant. Cultivation microgreens possible to grown in home gardens, in front and back of your house. The fancy restaurant serving recipes microgreens with intense flavors and different colors, as well as packed with high nutrition.
Research on healthiest microgreens showed that mice with high-fat diet fed red cabbage microgreens. The study says that the food it has helped lower the risk of heart disease and reduce weight. The results published on Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Red Cabbage, Healthiest Microgreens
Microgreen has known as a medicinal plant has high nutrition, nutrition containing at least six times more than older vegetable. Some microgreen comes from mung bean sprouts, basil, spinach, red cabbage, chard, and kale. Cultivation of microgreen is very easy, its possible to grown in your backyard or a small garden near your home.
Healthiest microgreens did look soft and dainty, these plants have a quick harvest time in two weeks, immature. Microgreens growth indicates that the plants could provide better health benefits, red cabbage microgreens helps to keep the body from high cholesterol.
According to Thomas Wang and other scientists, red cabbage microgreens may have the same effect with other herb and more beneficial than older cabbage. This hypothesis was test by obese mice, where these animals also tend to have high cholesterol and other risk factors in cardiovascular disease.
At least, scientists divide into groups of 60 mice different diets. Each animal received a low-fat diet or a high-fat, with or without red cabbage microgreens or only red cabbage. Studies show that consuming microgreens more potent cholesterol-lowering Polyphenols and Glucosinolates rather than consuming older cabbage. Microgreens considered as herbal medicines for high cholesterol, may help lower bad LDL which causes cholesterol and lowering Triglycerides in the liver.
Hot To Grow Healthiest Microgreens?
Microgreens grows quickly from seed, growing with good light with adequate moisture. You should use organic or free fungicide seed, then scatter the seeds in mixed media such as coco peat and rice hull, and harvested in 1-3 weeks. When the seeds had germinated, add liquid seaweed into water bottle. Its very good to grown your plants, made the liquid from dry seaweed and soaked in water for several days. Then spray it on sprouts every day, it will adds flavor and make a higher nutrient.
After germination, move the tray to expose the sun light but shade, or move into greenhouse. Treat the plants every day by spraying microgreens to as high as 2.5 to 10 cm. In 2-3 weeks, its ready to harvest, and use sterile cutter and not to damage your healthiest microgreens.
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