Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb) Benefits To Treat Hemorrhoids
Many people have suffered hemorrhoids, pathological conditions hemorrhoids appear to swell. The anal part inflamed, so it not uncommon for people with hemorrhoids to feel pain during defecation. Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb) benefits considered powerful to treat bloody hemorrhoids.
According to the medical, symptoms depend on the type of internal hemorrhoids that appear along with rectal bleeding without pain. External hemorrhoids generally show symptoms of pain and swelling in the anus. Some causes of hemorrhoids are still unknown, including increased intra-abdominal pressure, especially on constipation.
Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb) Benefits
External hemorrhoids can cause pain within 2 to 3 days. The swelling will disappear within a few weeks and irritate the skin around the anus. Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids without pain, bleeding from the rectum bright red when defecating. Other symptoms include mucus, itching of the anus, and fecal incontinence. Internal hemorrhoids are only painful in case of thrombosis or necrosis.
How to treat bloody hemorrhoid? According to medical treatment, hemorrhoids can treated by increasing fibrous foods, drinking lots of water, and using painkillers. As for traditional hemorrhoids herbs made from Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb). This herb is believed to be able to overcome and cure acute or bloody hemorrhoids.
Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb) is one of the barren shrubs. Plant height is generally 1 to 3 meters, plant stems filled with fine hair. Single and stemmed leaves, leaves facing each other. Leaf blobs oval-shaped and the base of the heart-shaped leaf. Old leaves look fingered and long can reach 30 cm. Compound flowers are red, consisting of small flowers that gather to form a pyramid. Flower out from the tip of the stalk and fruit looks round.
Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb) benefits useful for anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, hemostatis. Here is how to treat hemorrhoids:
- Take 25 grams of root Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb).
- Add 200 ml of water, then boil until boiling for about 15 minutes.
- This herb is taken 2 times a day, the one-time drink is 100 ml.
For pregnant women and childbirth, pressure from the fetus on the abdomen and hormonal changes causes the hemorrhoids to dilate. These symptoms usually disappear after childbirth, and no need to use herbal hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoidal disease: A comprehensive review. Publish by Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2007.
- Clerodendrum Japonicum (Thunb), image courtesy of wikimedia commons.
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