Coughing Up Blood Natural Cures With Cordyline Fruticosa
Cordyline Fruticosa Rubra, or Palm Lily, Ti Plant, Goodluck Plant, is a genus of 15 species of woody Monocotyledonous flowering plants. Cordyline Fruticosa comes from the Asparagaceae family, the Lomandroideae subfamily. Coughing up blood natural cures with cordyline fruticosa red leaves have long used as swelling remedies, coughing up blood, and overcoming menstruation.
Cordyline species Fruticosa spread throughout the Polynesian region as a cultivated plant. The rhizomes of starchy plants and taste very sweet when ripe. Some traditions eat leaves and rhizomes as food and medicine. The red cordyline fruticosa benefits have long used tribes in Poynesia, among them Mouri who often consume rhizome and leaves.
Coughing Up Blood Natural Cures
The Hawaiian tradition makes use of the leaves as a Hula skirt, made up of 50 layers of leafy Cordyline Fruticosa leaves. The tradition of Tonga dance gowns utilizes Cordyline Fruticosa, and decorated with some yellow or red leaves. Ancient Hawaiians consider Cordyline Fruticosa to have a spiritual power. Only high priests and chieftains can wear leaves around the neck during certain ritual activities. Some Hawaiians now plant Cordyline Fruticosa near the house because it considered to bring good luck. The red cordyline fruticosa benefits also used by Hawaiians for antiseptic drugs and diuretics.
In tradition in Indonesia, some of the benefits of leaves have long considered very effective for treating health problems. This plant is also called Wood Urip, Endong, or Linjuwang. Cordyline Fruticosa generally grows wildly fenced or in graves as an ornamental plant, and thrives in the lowlands up to 1900 mdpl.
Chemical content of Cordyline Fruticosa leaves include Steroids, Saponins, Polysaccharides. The red cordyline fruticosa benefits used as Hemostatics, Anti-swelling, and Coughing up blood. Here's the coughing up blood natural cures:
- Provide 5 fresh leaves of Cordyline Fruticosa.
- Boil for 15 minutes into water
- Its drink 100 ml a day.
Generally our people often plant Cordyline Fruticosa trees in the garden, plant height can reach 5 meters. Cordyline Fruticosa stalks look hard, the leaves are clearly visible. The leaves are dark green and leaf edges flat. Single leaf belt and stick to the stem. Flower shape panicle, characterized marks grow between the leaves with a long flower stalk. While the characteristics of fruit such as berries, red color shiny. Cordyline Fruticosa has dirty white fibrous roots.
- Maori Agriculture. By Best & Elsdon, Journal of the Polynesian Society (1931).
- Cordyline Fruticosa Rubra, image courtesy of wikimedia commons.
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