Benefits of Cinnamon to Stop Your Stomach from Bloating
How to stop your stomach from bloating? Benefits of cinnamon for a diet that will cool your digestive up to two degrees. According to the scientist, spices such as cinnamon also helps to improve overall health. This research has proven and published in the journal Scientific Reports.
Traditionally, the people of Southeast Asia have used cinnamon as a supplement and treatment of various diseases. Some natural medicine mix it with honey, the treatment of arthritis, cure skin diseases, heart and abdominal bloating.
Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon, in Latin called Cinnamomum verum, beech spice and belongs to the type of flavorful, sweet, and spicy. Generally people use cinnamon as a spice in cooking, brewing, burned, or a mixture of several types of beverages. Cinnamon is one of the oldest food seasoning used by human beings, one of which has been use since ancient Egypt 5000 years ago.
According to Professor Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh a scientist from RMIT's School of Engineering, this study uses animals to proven the benefits of cinnamon to the diet and maintain the health of the stomach wall. When animals eat at standard room temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) increases in the stomach. And how to stop your stomach from bloating? Cinnamon in the diet have reduced gas, reduce the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin in the stomach wall to stop your stomach from bloating. This effect turns cool the stomach during digestion.
But when the body heat and hyperventilate which reduce the production of CO2. Treatment using cinnamon was able to reduce CO2, so digestion becomes colder. Benefits of cinnamon to the diet not only cool the stomach, but significantly improve overall health.
How to stop your stomach from bloating? According to Dr. Jian Zhen Ou, cinnamon will cool the stomach to 2 degrees Celsius. Cinnamon is very popular in warm areas, make people feel better and cooling in digestion.
This study is part of a study on colon health, a method using a gas sensor swallowable or smart pill. According Kalantar-zadeh, intestinal gas is a byproduct of digestion and can explain insight into the function and intestinal health. Experiments using cinnamon to the diet has shown how swallowable gas sensor helps to provide physiological information that will increase the understanding of diet or medication.
- The study published in the journal "Potential of in vivo real-time gastric gas profiling: a pilot evaluation of heat-stress and modulating dietary cinnamon effect in an animal model". Scientific Reports, 2016; 6: 33387 DOI: 10.1038/srep33387
- The spice of life: cinnamon cools your stomach, 16 September 2016, by RMIT University.
- Raw cinnamon, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
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